You might think that authors live solitary lives with our dogs, and an endless supply of tea. The reality is, we have a huge team surrounding us, supporting us, and underpinning what we do.
In addition to a great editor, great proof readers, and a fantastic cover designer, we need a beta reader team.
What is a beta reader team?
Well, they're readers just like you. They receive a free digital copy of the book, and provide constructive criticism, and they leave a review on launch day. This all helps me make the stories as good as they possibly can be, and the reviews help the book sell. As I explained in my last video, this series has been written for TV. If we're going to achieve that, then I need a great beta team?
Do you want to be a part of that? Get in touch. Email me at and tell me why you want to be a part of my beta reader team.
It's worth mentioning that in my other pen name, through which I've published more than thirty novels, I've made some wonderful friends through my beta reader team. This is not a cold transactional based connection. Often, great friendships form, and you can't have too many friends.